Budget Bootcamp.
Week 4: A bit of housekeeping.


Bonus activity: Plan to give back.


All the challenges so far have been about saving money. But this one is different. It’s about giving something back. 

Giving back is a tremendous feeling. And whilst it doesn’t bring you any closer to your savings goal, it does reward you in numerous other ways.  

Maybe you are not in a position to give much right now, but find a cause you feel passionate about and stay connected to it. Donate money if you have it, and time if you don’t.  

Consider investing in a community you feel strongly about. This could be where you live, the people you work with, a group of people you share a passion or hobby with, or even a virtual community.  

It honestly doesn’t matter how you do it or how much you commit.  

But when you do, we guarantee that the feeling of satisfaction you will derive, will be every bit as rewarding as reaching your savings goals.  

Another way to give back is through our Community Reward Account. It’s a very unique account; the more you save, the more we give back to a cause you’re passionate about. Last year we gave back over $675,000 to many great local causes and sporting clubs.  

  • Donate to a cause, at no cost to you. Crazy, hey!  


Your week 4 snapshot.

Activity 7.

Bonus activity.

Plan to give back.

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This information has been provided without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this information, you should consider its appropriateness, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs.

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